Hotel Smart is an ideal place to stay for tourist groups coming to Gdansk.
We have over 200 beds and a large parking lot for coaches. For organized groups, we offer dinners served in the hotel restaurant. Smart Hotel Gdansk is located at the intersection of two main communication arteries: al. Grunwaldzka connecting Gdansk with Sopot and Gdynia and ul. Słowackiego leading to the A1 motorway. The location provides easy access to all Tricity tourist attractions and transit routes.
Organizatorów wycieczek do Gdańska czy objazdowych wycieczek autokarowych, na trasie których znajduje się Trójmiasto zachęcamy do sprawdzenia naszego cennika grupowego i zapoznania się ze szczegółami oferty. Zapraszamy do kontaktu:
Katarzyna Damaszk
+48 730 704 854